CCK DG Francis Wangusi (Centre) addressing the press after meeting with mobile Network Operators. With him are senior management of CCK.
The Communications Commission of Kenya (CCK) today met the country’s four mobile network operators (MNOs) to discuss various issues including the recently released Quality of Service (QoS) report that saw all MNOs fail to comply with the minimum threshold.
The meeting, attended by ICT cabinet secretary Fred Matiangi, CCK director general Francis Wangusi and the chief executive officers (CEOs) of the four operators, saw the players agree on maintaining high quality QoS and endorsing a master plan to enhance the performance of the sector.
“The meeting was held under the auspice of the recently passed Kenya Information and Communication (Amendment) Act 2013 and the need to review the performance of the sector,” said Wangusi.
“We are convinced that we need to collectively enhance the contribution of the ICT sector to the economy and the commision is ready to facilitate the operators in order to realise the industry objectives.”
Wangusi said the discussions centred on new regulations on SIM card registration, QoS and cybersecurity.
“The operators equally endorsed the Kenya Information and Communications regulations, which will be promulgated by the communications authority soon,” he said.
“The regulations were enhanced in consultations with the operators who also agree to the need to secure the networks of mobiles.”
The meeting also saw the operators agree to discuss the methodology and parameters for measurement of the QoS, with the commission to address future measurements in view of the changing dynamics in the sector.
Safaricom has in the past dismissed the CCK’s QoS ratings, saying the regulator’s report greatly contradicts audits by an independent company.
“We believe that CCK can adopt a modern and collaborative methodology which will allow the operators to respond quickly and ensure customers have a good experience,” said Bob Collymore, Safaricom CEO, at a past function.
“The authority is the process of outsourcing the quality of service measurement in order to infuse efficiency. MNOs expressed their willingness to collaborate with each other and the regulator to address issues that were injurious to the growth and prosperity of the sector,” said Wangusi.
CCK said it has also noted the concerns that have been raised over the rampant vandalism of the infrastructure and the effect on the development of networks.
“The Ministry of ICT has reiterated its commitment in working in close consultations with the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, as well as county governments, in order to ensure proper planning that makes provision for way leaves and infrastructure corridors during construction,” said Wangusi.
The sector players and the government also said they are working on a framework that will help reduce roaming charges within the region, so that mobile users in Kenya and other East African countries can communicate at affordable costs.
HumanIPO reported in December ICT ministers from Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and South Sudan had met in Nairobi to discuss the integration of ICT infrastructure in the East African region, resolving to jointly find ways of reducing the cost of roaming voice and data charges.