Dubbed Hylas 2, the satellite is expected to change the current state in Internet services market, since Africa still relies on Satellite technology to drive Internet penetration in rural areas where fibre cables are not economical to install.
“I am delighted that our second satellite, Hylas 2, has been successfully launched and is operating under our control,” said David Williams, chief executive of Avanti Communications.
“We have always believed there is a huge opportunity for satellite communications services in emerging markets because growth for data and voice services is high whilst supply of telecoms network capacity is low,” Williams added.
William further noted that the satellite is planned to undertake a series of pre-planned in orbit acceptance tests over the coming three months before Avanti commences service for customers.
Experts in the broadband market still insist that satellites are still being used to boost Internet connectivity in the African regions despite the influx of fibre optic cables, which bring unmatched bandwidth.
“There is a growing demand for satellite broadband services in Africa, since the dozens of optic fibre cable networks now reaching the continent’s shores will – at least initially – have limited penetration inland,” Vinay Patel, senior sales director, sub-Saharan Africa of Hughes Network Systems said, while speaking at the Hughes annual regional seminar alongside the SatCom Africa 2012 conference.