With over 10 million users in Africa alone, location based dating in addition to an SMS flirting service will bring a whole new dimension to dating. And, there lies no doubt that online dating applications can create solid connections.
What they are doing best is to focus on less developed markets where mobile is the primary internet device. Nigeria is by far the fastest growing market in Africa. There are over 2.4 million Nigerians registered, 10, 000 new users coming in every day and an average of 130, 000 users accessing the site every day.
In addition, more than 300, 000 users are registered in Ghana and Kenya. South Africa, Zimbabwe, Tanzania and Namibia in turn record 200, 000 plus users each.
But, Eskimi’s focus lies largely in West Africa. “ Nigeria and Ghana are our biggest markets which is due to our focused efforts in the region.” Vyatas told HumanIPO. He is currently on a visit to Nigeria where he plans to market the Eskimi API.
In Africa 2go, Mxit and Motribe are some of the other most used mobile networks due to the location-based chat rooms.
At best, this is just a minor introduction of a feature that has been in the market for a years now. In the international market Yelp Mobile, Neer, Loopt and foursquare as a result of their location based services are some of the most popular mobile applications.