“The Sim tool kit is currently available in Nigeria as the Eazywallet product in active collaboration of licensed providers by the Central Bank of Nigeria,” Etisalat Nigeria said.
Kalahari Mobile Money awardsare given to organisations and companies that have greatly contributed to the mobile money and financial sector and that are “poised to make considerable market impact in the future”.
According to the event’s organisers, the awards will be decided by an independent panel of expert judges based on a number of criteria including geographic market penetration, on-going and evidence of commercial campaigns, regulatory compliance where necessary, cross sector partnerships, active deployments and future potentials for further growth.
A number of other nominees include Tigo cash from Tigo mobile, Stanbic Mobile Money,Paga, insurance product MicroEnsure and GlifeGhana, as well as companies from 14 other countries.
A recent Ericsson's consumer insight summary report for m-commerce in Sub-Saharan Africa shows positive influence and subsequent growth for the mobile industry to attract more people into financial services.
Splash MobileMoney of Sierra Leone and Tangaza of Kenya -- two of Africa’s fastest growing mobile money providers by subscription and transaction -- are also expected to showcase their innovations at the annual event .
The third year edition of Mobile Money Expo 2013 will be held at Lagos Orientals Hotel from February 6 to 7, 2013.