Speaking during the launch of Samsung Week in the Ugandan capital Kampala, Saiju Panicker, country manager for Samsung IT, said: "As a business that has a solid footprint in South Africa and is quickly expanding its African market, we are targeting 100 percent growth in West, East and Southern Africa, to deliver connectivity and content to the people of Africa.”
Samsung will be focusing on three key premises to grow business, he said, with one of these being their business-to-government relations.
“In line with this, we have developed a number of key solutions that look to optimise public sector operations as well as aid in delivering cost efficiencies,” Panicker added.
Samsung will offer solutions that are aimed at increasing government cost efficiency. These include Smart e-Governance, Smart Safe Community, Smart Education, Smart Job Creation and Smart Healthcare.
For instance, Smart e-Governance is a solution that helps government agencies automate their business processes and services that are targeted at citizens.
The main features of this solution include an e-procurement system, e-NID (National Identification) System and the Government Integrated Data Center (GIDC).
Some of these solutions have already been implemented in several African countries, and Samsung is looking into increasing its penetration via these and many other services.
However, Samsung will have to find intelligent ways to penetrate the African market as there are other global players who are offering similar solutions in Africa’s public infrastructure such as Ericsson, Huawei, Cisco and Nokia Siemens.