The mobile giant has defied the LTA ordered suspension on its two operating licenses from December 3 to December 5, claiming the regulator is acting on behalf of a rival operator.
Justice Yusif D. Kaba, the judge hearing the case, directed the LTA to suspend further proceedings in connection with the intended suspension of the operating licenses issued to Lonestar Cell MTN.
The LTA lack the technical capacity to enforce their suspension which was brought about after they accused Lonestar Cell MTN of an unauthorized change in the status of its interconnection with Comium, another GSM Company, from May 18-21, 2012, despite a directive from them to have the interconnection between the two companies restored.
However, Lonestar Cell MTN refused to obey the LTA's suspension order. According to the company its customers and staff would take the toughest punishment for a mistake made by the company.