Image from shoestringventure.com
According to the Star newspaper, the union secretary Musau Ndunda urged the government to push the policy of giving each Class One a free laptop until 2015 to allow for teacher training.
The government has promised the full implementation of the policy will begin in January of next year, with the newest batch of Class one pupils.
But Ndunda said many of the country’s 27,000 teachers are not versed in ICT and will have to be educated to handle the programme well.
The project is set to cost the government KSh150 billion (US$1.8 billion) in five years, according to permanent secretary at the Ministry of Information and Communication Bitange Ndemo. "It is achievable, because the more you buy, you get at a lower price," he said.
Rwanda is one of the countries in Africa that has implemented the ‘one laptop per child’ programme. According to analysts, the country is ranked among the top 10 in Africa in terms of being in a position to benefit from ICT.