Albert Mucunguzi CEO, PC Tech Magazine one of the firms behind the service, explained to HumanIPO that AdNote+ is a platform that connects advertisers to online publishers and mobile applications developers”.
However,Adsense is not an easy target. Adsense has the advantage of Google’s giant search engine and is not a new product to lobby for market share.
Douglas Bugeiga a Telecoms engineer and CTO of AdNote says AdSense allows web publishers to earn money by displaying Google ads on their website's content pages. The ads are related to what users are looking for on a site thus increasing the page visits as well as earning extra revenue apart from content. AdSense picks ads from Google Inc ‘s advertising network amounting to thousands of clients.
According to Mucunguzi, AdNote+ as a network has been developed to tap into the potential provided by online users in Uganda by distributing adverts online through the country’s leading websites.
He adds that the advertiser will design its campaign using ads in different formats and then register with AdNote+ either automatically or will be signed up by an AdNote agent.
Having defined the campaign and the inclusive ads, the campaign will be uploaded and stored onto the AdNote+ servers and distributed to registered Web publishers as per the advertisers’ preference in terms of audience, location, time.
AdNote+ can be used on blogs, websites and mobile applications and promises to be the bridge connecting the advertiser’s content and the publisher’s space; the two parties only know each other by and through AdNote.
AdNote+ monitors activity around the ad units placed on the various publisher sites.
AdNote+ provides comprehensive reporting with a detailed daily breakdown of the impressions (ad views), clicks, revenues etc of each campaign as requested by the advertiser.
Advertisers can either pay per 1000 impressions accumulated over 30 days, pay per clicks, tenancy (flat fee, monthly), usually for selected sites only. Publishers are paid standard fees set by AdNote+. The advert sizes are standardized.
Mucunguzi says the AdNote+ platform can organize campaigns and target these campaigns based on location (regions) or time.
AdNote+ is able to multiplex adverts on shared space especially for high traffic sites that charge a higher premium ultimately allowing small budget advertisers to have visibility on these sites.
Advertiser gets to pay for traffic reached. Publishers can make money as long as they can attract 1000 impressions on a given ad unit in a month. Users are given comprehensive monitoring, with anti fraud-clicks system.
At the moment Mucunguzi says AdNote+ is working with a number of online publishers in Uganda and expanding to the East African region steadily.