Image: wallstcheatsheet.com
Reuters reported a Baidu spokesman as saying the glass is in the testing phase, but unlike Google Glass their commercialisation is not determined.
“We haven't decided whether it is going to be released in any commercial form right now,
but we experiment with every kind of technology that is related to search,” said company spokesperson Kaiser Kuo.
Unnamed sources had previously told Chinese news site Sina.com the firm was testing the technology.
According to Kuo, Baidu Eye will be mounted on a headset fitted with a small LCD screen with users being able of making image and voice searches. The glasses will also be able to conduct facial recognition matches.
“What you are doing with your camera, for example, taking a picture of a celebrity and then checking on our database to see if we have a facial image match, you could do the same thing with a wearable visual device,” he said.
Like Google Glass, Baidu Eye will share comparisons such as live stream audio visual information and be able to carry out computing tasks.
Baidu joins Google and Apple in testing wearable technology, which is expected to
enhance user connection options. Apple is rumoured to be experimenting with a wristwatch like device using the same platform as the iPhone.
Baidu has however not confirmed whether or not they are testing other forms of wearable technology.