“According to statistics gathered from mobile operators, a total of 2,408,266 unregistered mobile lines had, by January 8, been switched off, barely a week after the expiry of the December 31 deadline,” reads the CCK’s report.
The CCK has described the process of the initial verification of the registration data received from agents and dealers nationally as “labourious” but is of the opinion the deactivation of unregistered SIM cards is progressing well.
HumanIPO reported on Thursday, January 10 that yuMobile was lobbying for an extension to the deadline. yuMobile, together with Orange Mobile, feared revenue losses if their customers were not given more time. By Thursday last week 1.2 million SIM cards had already been deactivated after the December 31 deadline elapsed.
Safaricom is leading the process, having deactivated 1.2 million. Orange and Airtel have deactivated 520,000 and 365,266 unregistered lines cards respectively. yuMobile has switched off up to 323,000 SIM cards.
Though the deactivation process is currently under way, Kenyans whose SIM cards have not been deactivated still have time to do so.
“Those who have not registered their lines are requested to do so before their lines are disconnected.
“Subscribers whose lines have been switched off have up to 90 days to register their SIM cards, failing which, their mobiles will be recalled permanently and subsequently reassigned to new users,” added the CCK.