Avvasi’s mobile video Quality of Experience measurement tool found Instagram accounted for over 30 per cent of total over-the-top (OTT) video, more than YouTube and Vine.
HumanIPO reported last week Instagram had entered the micro-video sharing space, allowing users to upload videos of up to 15 seconds in length compared to Vine’s six seconds.
Avvasi added that in some networks the launch had negatively affected video quality, as a result of the sudden increase in traffic.
“It is amazing to observe the impact that a new video service can have on a network overnight,” Mate Prgin, president and chief executive officer (CEO) of Avvasi, said.
“Avvasi technology enables service providers to detect, analyze and monetize mobile OTT video in real time. When a new OTT video service can bring a network to its knees in seconds, it is crucial for operators to have the tools to measure, manage and improve the video experience. Avvasi is committed to helping carriers control and monetize the OTT video opportunity.”