The Kenyan government through the National Treasury has launched its 2013-2018 strategic plan as well as a revamped website, outlining the key automation and integration processes to achieve the set objectives.
According to cabinet secretary for the National Treasury Henry Rotich, who officiated the launch event at the Intercontinental Hotel, Nairobi, the roadmap comes at a time when the country has ushered in county governments in line with the Constitution.
“A strong Public Financial Management system is a catalyst for economic growth and development. It ensures that the government raises, manages and spends public resources in an efficient and transparent way with the aim of improving service delivery,” said Rotich.
The Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) was first rolled out to government ministries in 2003 and to the county governments in 2013, while its re-engineering process began in 2011 in order to stabilise and enhance the IFMIS implementation.
The objective of IFMIS is to automate and integrate PFM systems which facilitate efficient and effective execution of all financial management process, eliminate risks, and enhance security and financial controls in all service areas including county units.
“I am pleased to report that in just three years after re-engineering, IFMIS has made remarkable progress. The National Treasury has implemented six accounting modules of the re-engineered IFMIS. These include General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Purchase Order, Fixed Assets, Cash Management and Accounts Payable,” said Jerome Ochieng, the IFMIS Department director.
“The implementation of these accounting elements has facilitated a faster transaction processing cycle.”
The Revamped IFMIS website provides an all-encompassing view of the programme to IFMIS stakeholders. It is now possible to walk through the programme, from one component to the next with appropriate pictorial representations and messages.
The website also accords IFMIS stakeholders an opportunity to provide feedback on activities and services of IFMIS re-engineering.
With the implementation of electronic procurement the website will be a source of information to the suppliers and the public in general on matters relating to public procurement.
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