Erick Kande, CEO and co-Founder of Escola Online, has told HumanIPO the platform is serving as a means of improving school management. According to him, Escola Online is allowing parents and teachers to keep track of students’ academic performance.
“The platform also allows students and teachers to share worksheets, assignments, announcements, grades online and more,” he told HumanIPO.
Users can track marks, frequencies, absences/attendance, behavior, curriculum schedule of classes, daily schedule of classes, preregistration and enrollment reservations, and more,via SMS and USSD Escola Online Apps, computer, mobile phone, smartphones, tablets, phablets.
He said the platform was developed in response to lack of access to e-learning mechanisms in real time/peer learning and other post-school support mechanisms in Mozambique.
“There is also little or lack of participation of parents in the schooling of their children (students), and lack of interaction between students and teachers after school,” he said. “We want to meet anyone anywhere through development of several technological solutions (Mobile, web, SMS apps and USSD technology at the same time) in order to respond to local needs. Our solutions are based on Mozambique’s local needs. Escola Online allow parents to pay school fee payments, teachers produce video lessons/tutorial and we make these video lessons available in the platform and these lessons allow students to get more knowledge about lessons studied in the classroom.”
In order to deploy the service across the country, the company is partnering with the country’s Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Communication Technology of Mozambique through the National Fund Investigation Program, Mined- Ministry of Education, Ensys- Enterprise System and Development.
“Recently there were more than 200,000 students who failed exams and the cause was pointed the lack of interaction between teachers and students and lack of online learning mechanisms and lack of libraries so we believe that our solution will overcome these problems offering more interactions between teachers and students, offering more interactive contents to students and more. So that will be our success in the market,” Kande told HumanIPO.