African innovators who need funding to kick start or boost their social or environment projects have been invited to be part of a two day Crowd-funding initiative to be held at the Nailab on 9th and 10th October.
The 2 day bootcamp is sponsored by The Cheetah Fund, which is a new international crowd-funding campaign launched by the 1%Club,a crowd-funding site based in the netherlands together with the Dutch National Postcode Lottery, Nailab, M-lab, IBiz and Ihub (all hubs based in Kenya).
“ Crowd- Funding is considered a new concept in our market but ideally it is not. It is simply “Harambee taken online” for businesses,” read the invite from Nailab.
Participants whose projects manage to raise up to 30% of its target in 30 days, will be given the remaining 70% needed to reach their target by the cheetah fund.
A total of €400,000 has been set aside to support the campaigns on the platform.
You can attend any one of the 2 days and learn an alternative means of raising funds for Kenyan start-ups.
Part of the bootcamp will involve sessions in areas such as social media, pitching, story telling, communication among others- tools that the participants can employ in their bid to crowd-fund.
Here is how to go about it:
Get ready and start a crowdfunding campaign
Create a cheetah campaign with a catchy title, explain what your project is all about, upload a photo or video and get ready to start campaigning!
Crowdfund 30% in 30 days.
Run Cheetah Run…
Get as many people as possible to support your campaign. Organise creative fundraise activities to mobilise your family, friends, your friends’ friends and everybody else in your network.