
ABI Research boss joins advisory board of ITU-IMPACT

Tim Archdeacon, ABI Research’s president and CEO, is set to join the International Advisory Board (IAB) of International Multilateral Partnership Against Cyber Threats (IMPACT), an agency concerned with cyber security at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

The addition of Archdeacon to the board will add on to the knowledge on how to advice cyber security measures for the participating countries.

IMPACT has 193 memberships from different countries and provides them with expertise, facilities and resources to effectively address cyber threats.

According to Archdeacon, ABI Research has been an active supporter of cyber security workshops in developing nations and remains a strong supporter of the important work in the area of cybersecurity, which the ITU and IMPACT champions.

“I personally look forward to working with the members of the IAB and the ITU on the development of cooperative guidelines toward our common goals,” he said.

The IAB is an important union of public and private participation geared to common goal of improving cybersecurity preparedness and ensuring that the people of all nations have safe and secure access to ICTs,” said Secretary-General Dr. Hamadoun I. Touré of the ITU. “We are pleased to have active participation from private sector firms like ABI Research.”

The IAB is chaired by the President Blaise Compaoré of Burkina Faso and includes ministers and government officials from Montenegro, Trinidad & Tobago, Kenya, Oman, and Azerbaijan.

ABI Research is one of the global leading research companies that concentrate on technology related research and reports.

Posted in: Telecoms

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