
MTN Cameroon celebrates 12th year anniversary, inaugurates 1000th network pillar

Cameroon’s major telecommunications company MTN has inaugurated the company’s 1000th pillar in the country. The inauguration marks the telecoms company’s 12 years of operating in the country.

MTN said it planted the first network pillar (also known as BTS) on Cameroonian soil in Douala in 2000. It said Douala was selected as it was the economic capital city of Cameroon.

This year, MTN said it has decided to celebrate its 12 years of continuous existence in Cam”. During the celebration, the company inaugurated its 1000th BTS site in Penda Mboko, a locality in the South West Region.

The company organized a grandiose event at its head office located in Akwa. The event was graced by officials of the MTN officials, stakeholders, members of the community and spectators who converged at the venue to celebrate with MTN Cameroon. The highlight of the event was the symbolic release of 1000 balloons, popping of champagnes and an elaborate motorcade.

The 1-day event featured several addresses, speeches and goodwill messages delivered by staff and friends of the company who were led by Karl O. Toriola, the chief executive officer of MTN Cameroon.

In his speech, Toriola recounted the company’s sojourn in Cameroon’s telecoms market. He said, while the company is rolling out the drums in celebration of its 12 years of operating in Cameroon, it had it rough breaking through the market in Cameroon.

Concerning the newly constructed network pillar, Toriola said it has a height of 70 meters and will provide extensive and high-tech network to more than 18.000 people living within a 35-kilometer radius. Parts of this demography include residents of neighboring villages, which include three strategic Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC) camps.

Posted in: Telecoms

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