
Ghana, Kenya top in continent’s broadband speed ranking

Ghana’s Internet connectivity is the fastest in Africa with 4.78 Mbps. Kenya is second with 4.46 Mbps while Angola comes third,Ookla’s Net index survey shows.

These comes following the government of Ghana’s efforts to promote Internet use in the country through its Access to Electronic Communication Programme.

Over 38,000 IP addresses were used to determine the country’s average speed.

Ghana has in the past put its Internet infrastructure development as a top priority. In 2008, the Electronic Communications Act introducedGIFEC (Ghana Investment Fund for Electronic Communications) to bridge the connectivity divide.

As of December 2011, the Internet users in Ghana had risen to an estimated 2 million, in a population of 24 million people, representing 8.4 percent Internet penetration, according toInternet World Stats.

GIFEC yesterday received a boost of US$150 million from Huawei Technology, a Chinese company, to strengthen the country’s Internet connectivity. Analysts say the grant could increase Ghana’s world ranking further.

At present, Net Index ranks Ghana’s world ranking in terms of broadband speed at 79.

Ookla’s Net Index, is a world leader in Internet speed research across the globe. The company has developed speed-testing software.

The results were obtained through analysis of tests data between March 26 and April 24, 2012.

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