
Nigerian Government empowers civil servants with interest-free ICT equipment procurement scheme

Nigerian civil servants are being supported by the Government in buying personal computing equipment over a six-month interest free period to improve quality of life.

The Government has partnered with IT sales site Buyright Africa to give its employees a choice of brands and the Nigerian Employees Digital Welfare scheme (NEDWS) will begin tomorrow (Thursday) in the capital city of Abuja.

“This is the trend in the civilized world but here companies and individuals are afraid to extend credit facilities to employees without asking for an arm and a leg including the burden of completing complicated forms,” the Ministry of Labour and Productivity said in a statement.

With the scheme, beneficiaries will be able to procure computers, smartphones, printers, scanners, projectors, UPS and home appliances such as television, refrigerators, deep freezers, microwave and electricity generating sets.

The equipment will be bought from Buyright Africa and the workers will be allowed to pay over a period of six months without any interest added.

Mukoro Emomine, Managing Director of Buyright Africa, said the scheme has been tested for seven months with more than 7,500 employees.

“The intention of NEDWS and its partners is to build financial and moral integrity in the Nigerian employee of the twenty first century towards the development of a viable credit based society,” he said.

Posted in: Gadgets

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