This is not a new reality show nor a remake of the “Love Boat”. It is a very real idea – called Blueseed – with three determined co-founders, Max Marty and Dario Mutabdzija and Dan Dascalescu.
“We want to connect smart people around the world with great companies here in the Silicon Valley,” describes Max Marty their fantasy-sounding incubator at sea where high tech workers and startups could reside just a ferry ride away from collaboration with Silicon Valley. “These creative individuals would be in close physical proximity to Silicon Valley based companies and VC funds but outside the scope of the USA/Californian immigration, tax and other rules. “
Blueseed aims to tackle three separate but connected problems with one comprehensive solution – first and foremost serving as an incubator for the entrepreneurs who cannot go to Silicon Valley legally, solving like that also the SV-based companies’ problem of bringing in foreign workers legally and in an affordable manner; and thirdly offering a line-up of coders for outsourcing, and last but not least – do all of the above mentioned activities in a regulatory environment that is far more business friendly to the one that can be found in California.
Right now the project is still in a seed phase, gathering and looking for investments, hoping to launch the vessel in 2013, the earliest.
“So whether it will be an accelerator or a longer-term thing, we expect most startups to be aboard for 9 months to 2 years, after which they will likely either have outgrown our accommodations or gone under,” says Max Marty.
I am sure we all are wishing them good winds and no mutinies or men overboard with this definitely an original venture. But it gets even better – you could be among the first on the boat! All you need to do is fill in a really quick short survey on the Blueseed website called “Startup Survey of Interest” and if you are among the first 25 people who sign it, you will be eligible to receive a full free month of office+residential rent for the entire company team.