Yunus Carrim. CC image courtesy of GovernmentZA on Flickr.
A workshop dedicated to the drafting of South Africa’s broadband policy is being hosted by Yunus Carrim, the minister of communications, today in Pretoria.
According to a statement by the Department of Communications (DoC) the draft policy will for a second time be taken to public consultation this year, the last step before cabinet is presented with the draft policy.
“The draft National Broadband Policy will form the bedrock for achieving the targets set in the National Development Plan, which calls for an e-literate society that participates fully in the development and economic opportunities and benefits presented by information and communications technology,” said the DoC.
The broadband draft policy aims to fulfill South Africa’s vision to develop a seamless information infrastructure by the year 2030, which will be universally accessible throughout the country. The DoC said this information infrastructure will be made available at costs and quality that meets citizens’ needs.
The DoC said the information infrastructure will provide “access to the creation and consumption of a wide range of converged applications and services required for effective economic and social participation.”
The event began at the CSIR Convention Centre at 10am in Pretoria.