The use of mobile phones and living in close proximity to cellular base stations do not cause cancer, according to a study spanning 11 years.
The Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research Programme (MTHR), a United Kingdom (UK)-based research project, conducted a study involving “31 individual research projects that… have resulted in almost 60 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals”.
The research body was set up as the result of an inquiry into the dangers of mobile phone usage by the UK’s minister of public health in 2001.
The latest study has shown exposure to base station emissions during pregnancy and regular mobile phone usage do not cause cancer.
“Neither of the studies identified any association between exposure and an increased risk of developing cancer. These findings appear to be consistent with the results from other recent studies examining similar endpoints,” the MTHR said.
The study also showed that no adverse effects could result from the use of TETRA radios used by emergency services.
“None of the studies provided any evidence that TETRA signals produce specific adverse effects in those exposed to them,” said the MTHR.
The study released in 2007 claims brain function cannot be altered by the use of mobile phones and cancers of the brain and nervous system cannot be attributed to short-term mobile phone usage.
Speaking of brain cancer the group said: “The result of the UK component and pooled analyses with other North European countries showed no epidemiological association for short-term exposures (less than ten years).”
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