
Kenyan Buni TV teams up with Senegal’s Africafilms.tv

Buni TV, Kenya’s video on demand (VOD) service, and AfricaFilms.tv from Senegal have teamed up to bring diverse video content to their audiences.

The partnership is described as a first as viewers will be able to access the two catalogues divided into English and French. However, the two organisations will continue to operate under their respective brands.

Buni TV, based in Nairobi, has proved itself in terms of VOD space, as HumanIPO reported last week when it hit one million views.

Previously, AfricaFilms.tv focused its efforts on Diaspora audiences, mostly with a catalogue featuring 1,000 premium titles together with an anti-fraud encryption and tracking system.

Through working together the two television organisations hope to increase their revenues by appealing to a larger audience.

Despite being in the infancy stage compared to the African VOD Space, Buni TV believes the market is set to be very successful due to rising high Internet speeds in Africa as well as the costs of bandwidth and data being reduced, and increasing demand for local content.

Posted in: Telecoms

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