The Opposition to Urban Tolling Alliance (OUTA) is showing disrespect for legal judgment and questioning the capability of the auditor general by calling into question the veracity of official e-tolling figures, according to the South African National Roads Agency Limited (SANRAL).
HumanIPO reported yesterday SANRAL announced 1.2 million toll road users in Gauteng province have registered their vehicles for e-tags, thanking the public for the substantial uptake to date.
However, OUTA claimed the figures are “hogwash”, saying SANRAL is continuing a campaign of “deliberate misinformation” regarding e-tag sales.
SANRAL today hit back, saying as a state-owned entity the agency adheres to reporting requirements, and is also audited by the auditor general, whom it says proves the reliability of the figures the agency publishes.
“SANRAL, as a state-owned entity, accounts to Parliament and therefore to the people of South Africa. We are required by law to report on our operations to Parliament annually,” said Vusi Mona, spokesperson for SANRAL.
“Furthermore, our Constitution has established various institutions of democracy known as Chapter 9 institutions. This means that prior to reporting to Parliament, we are required to lay bare our books to the auditor general (AG).
“We have confidence in the AG – as one of our Chapter 9 institutions – that his office will audit us accordingly before we table our report to Parliament. The AG audits the entire business of SANRAL annually. And SANRAL will continue to submit itself to the appropriate Constitutional institution.
“It is unfortunate that organisations such as OUTA who have no respect for judicial judgements continue to question the integrity of the AG.”
Mona said SANRAL endeavours to act in a transparent manner and facilitates the dissemination of information to the public.
“SANRAL values its cooperation with the media and has always made information and its people available to journalists. And will continue to do so.”
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