A total of twenty-five distinguished scholars and experts have joined the Global Commission on Internet Governance (GCIG) Research Advisory Network (RAN), which will assist in identifying and prioritising internet governance and policy issues within the commission’s mandate.
Chaired by Sweden’s Foreign Minister Carl Bildt, the commission will produce a comprehensive stand on the future of multi-stakeholder internet governance.
“The research advisory network will be an indispensable component of the Global Commission on Internet Governance,” said Fen Osler Hampson, co-director of the commission and director of CIGI’s Global Security and Politics programme.
“Under the direction of Laura DeNardis, the RAN will be of great benefit to this initiative’s critical analysis and findings. I’m grateful that these experts have agreed to participate.”
The network will also provide expert briefings to the members of the commission and conduct research and analysis for the commission’s preparatory work and final report.
Additional members of the body will be confirmed over time.