Twitter has marked its eighth birthday, offering users to take a look at their first Tweets that sparked a conversation, used imagery to tell a story or revealed unfiltered self expression.
Twitter said on its blog: “You can also celebrate your #FirstTweet using this Tweet tool, you can look back to find your very first Tweet or for that matter, anyone else’s. Just type in your @ username or that of anyone, your best pal, favourite comedian, a star or a president.”
To find their first Tweet, users can visit First-tweets.com and enter a username to load a particular users first Tweet.
“In 2006, people began to say a little something on Twitter through 140-character bursts of plain text. Eight years later, users have transformed Twitter into a place where you can discover new ideas, make real human connections and express yourself freely. So as we mark our 8th birthday, we’d like to say thank you to you,” said Twitter.