Applications are open for the Kenya StartUp Cup Business Model Competition until May 20, with all Kenyan nationals between the ages of 18 and 35 years invited to apply for the chance to win KSh1 million (US$11,500).
The Kenya StartUp Cup aims to stimulate local innovation and business growth by synergising youth entrepreneurship towards growth and job generation to stem unemployment in the country in order to drive national growth in line with Vision 2030.
“We believe that investing in the business leaders of today and tomorrow is vital for our long term economic sustainability, that entrepreneurs are the heroes of our time, fostering an increase in creativity, imagination and innovation. The Kenya StartUp Cup is a tribute to the dreamers, doers, and visionaries of our community,” the organisers said.
Designed with a strong business model coaching approach, the Kenya StartUp Cup helps entrepreneurs to accelerate the designing and testing of their business models with customers. Resulting interactions improve the likelihood of generating revenue and building viable enterprises in weeks, the organisers believe.
By participating in Kenya StartUp Cup Business Model Competition, young entrepreneurs are able to tap into a wealth of knowledge and experience of seasoned entrepreneurs, leaders, educators and corporate supporters to boost or start their own businesses.
Applicants are requested to complete and submit the registration form online, with initial judging to be conducted at county level. Winners from all counties in four different categories shall proceed to the next level of competition.
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