Twitter has launched a language targeting feature for advertisements hosted on the microblogging site, to ensure advertisers are reaching out to audiences who understand the content of ads.
Advertisers can now target promoted Tweets and promoted accounts to specific language users, and will also benefit from language-specific analytics, while Twitter users will also see ads targeted at their own language group.
“We’re excited to introduce language targeting, now available in 20 different languages,” Twitter said.
“Language targeting can benefit marketers who want to reach a global audience with language-specific messaging, or who are in countries where large populations speak multiple languages.”
A user’s language is determined by their language settings, as well as according to the language(s) identified through Twitter activity, based on which some users may be eligible to view targeted ads in multiple languages.
Twitter said the service will be made available to advertisers globally, and will work for 20 languages.
The targeting service can also be combined with existing targeting options including interest, keyword, gender, geo or tailored audience segment- based targeting.
“For instance, a travel brand that wants to reach Spanish-speaking travelers in the US can combine US geo-targeting, travel-category interest targeting and Spanish language targeting to effectively connect with their target audience,” Twitter said.