
Cardinals tweet farewell to followers

Cardinals heading into the papal conclave to elect a new Pope have tweeted goodbye to their followers, as signal jamming devices will prevent communication throughout the voting.

Cardinals tweeted for the last time before moving into Casa Santa Martha, the Vatican residence, to begin the voting process during which they will be locked inside the Vatican until a new Pope is chosen.

Last tweet before moving to Casa Santa Martha, and Mass to Elect a Pope.First Conclave meeting late Tuesday afternoon.Prayers needed.

— Cardinal Mahony(@CardinalMahony) March 12, 2013

Last Tweet before Conclave: May Our Father hear & answer with love & mercy all prayers & sacrifices offered for fruitful outcome. God bless!

— Cardinal Napier (@CardinalNapier) March 12, 2013

Signal blocking technology has been installed throughout the Sistine Chapel and the Vatican residence to prevent all forms of electronic communication or eavesdropping during the voting process, which is likely to take a number of days.

Any cardinal who breaches the secrecy requirement will be automatically excommunicated.

Commenting on the extreme measures being installed in order to maintain secrecy throughout the conclave, Sister Mary Ann Walsh, media relations director for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, wrote in a blog: “In this electronic age, I worry some cardinals may go into iPad and Twitter withdrawal.”

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