Yell Publishers Limited, publishers of Nigeria’s Yellow Pages, has signed a three year partnership agreement with Google to expand operations and to carry out geocoding of businesses and organisations across the country to make them more accessible to the public.
According to the Punch newspaper, the agreement stipulates Yellow Pages will get the latitude and longitude coordinates of businesses and institutions, enabling them to be located on Google maps.
Yellow Pages said the new service will be of particular value to first time customers in finding local businesses and organisations.
“Nigeria Yellow Pages, our directory, is available on every platform. We have the hard copy, which is available in all major bookshops and malls across ten cities in the country. The online version can also be accessed through smart phones, I-pad, and other tablets while on the move,” said Felix Okoro, managing director (MD) and chief executive officer (CEO) of Yell Publishers Limited, adding that the online platform was prompted by strong demand from consumers.
“We will continue to apply and deploy appropriate technology in our operations in order to remain competitive in this technological driven world. Innovation and breaking of new grounds shall be our article of faith.”
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