Toby Daniels, Founder and Executive Director, Social Media Week (SMW), this morning announced the theme for SMW 2015. In a newsletter sent to subscribers, Daniel said the theme for next year is ‘Upwardly Mobile: The Rise Of The Connected Class’.
“We’re living in times of unprecedented human connectivity. The world is changing and evolving at an extraordinary pace. Together we must work to gain deeper understanding of how we can achieve more in a future where more than 6 billion people on the planet will connect to each other,” Daniels said.
“The Connected Class is represented by those with access and connectivity. Today there are 3 billion of us. By 2022 there will be 6 billion. Through the exploration of the Upwardly Mobile theme we want to ask the fundamental question: how can all humans achieve more in a connected world?”
While expressing excitement over next year’s events, Daniels said, “Through engaging, entertaining, educational and diverse content and experiences, we will discover how our connected world helps us all achieve more and live more productive lives.”
In addition to other cities across the world, Social Media Week is currently being held Johannesburg South Africa and Lagos Nigeria. Microsoft is the global headline sponsor supported by spotify and socialbakers.