
Farmers in Malawi to use own social networking site

Sahebo a new social networking site based in the local agricultural community of Malawi already has its eyes on the horizon although it is yet to be made fully public.

Founded by Kondwani Chimatiro and Daniel Chiwinga, both former students at Malawi’s Northern City Mzuzu University, the developers not only want to be the best African social network but to shine globally.

Chimatiro said: “As Africans we understand the social business dynamics in Africa and its challenges. But if we can be connected there is nothing we wouldn’t achieve”.

The two say Sahebo, not only gives a feeling of community to its use just like international social network sites but is set to help the farmers on the continent to use the platform to share projects with others in their regions and away.

They also believe African politicians will utilise the platform to reach out to a wider audience on the continent.

As the two test the site for wider user Chiramo says “We are currently working on applications that will enable our users to create community projects or share business ideas and many others.”

The students believe that as the Internet and social networking encompass the world, ideas flow fast. They hope that Sahebo will help share ideas, projects and successes in real time for use in the society hence development.

“We want to enable a farmer in the village interact with business firms seeking to buy cotton from China or pigeon peas in India without the need to worry about exorbitant long distance phone bills,” Chimatiro said.

The two say they are looking to introduce a group buying platform that would allow consumers to come together to buy products in bulk from from a supplier who in return, will offer reasonable discount to the group.

Their firm C-Tech systems provides ICT solutions for software development, Web designing, Web hosting, multimedia, network installation, computer repair and maintenance as well as online advertising.

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