Google has announced that during the upcoming London Olympics, residents of Sub Saharan Africa and their Asia counterparts will get to view quality Olympic videos through a YouTube channel.
p>“Today, we’re excited to announce that millions of Olympic fans from across 64 territories in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa will have a chance to watch the games live from London on the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) YouTube channel,” Google said.
The IOC channel will offer 10 High Definition live stream from the games. They will stream from 9am to 11pm London time, plus have a 24-hour broadcast of the Olympic News Channel
The channel earmarked as http://olympic will offer 2,200 hours of quality view of all the medal finals.
“People in countries including Singapore, India, Malaysia, Nigeria, Uganda, and Kenya, can tune in to the IOC channel on their desktop, tablet, or mobile device enjoy live coverage of the events as well as highlight clips free-of-charge,” Tommy O’Hare, Sports Content Partnerships Manager at Google said.
“There will also be highlight reels and full videos of events after they’ve finished — all organized by the day, medal event, or the sport,” Tommy O’Hare added.
This is definitely good news and a sign of confidence from Google on Africa’s development on online live streaming.