
ZunguZ enters Facebook’s newly launched App Centre

The premier micro payments platform for users on social networks ZunguZ has announced its entry into the newly launched Facebook App Centre.

Robert Sussman, one of the founders, told HumanIPO that by Zunguz joining the App Centre, it showed just how trusted their integration is.

According to Sussman, this shows Zunguz’s acceptable applicability and the world’s need for social money.

The ZunguZ social money application facilitates money transfers between Facebook friends using the sender’s existing bank account.

The receiver can access the money by activating the ZunguZ application to get the cash from any of South Africa’s four major banks, provided he has an account [there].

Sussman said Zunguz is set to disrupt the micro payments sector in Africa and is aiming at 15 million active users by 2015.

The Facebook App Center, launched this week, already with 600 approved apps, will enable Facebook users to download mobile and Web apps with customised preferences, as well as allow the apps to be sent directly to a phone from a computer.

It will be integrated in Facebook’s iOS and Android apps. The centre will direct the users to the app’s home website, or to the Apple App Center or Google Play.

Being on the giant social site, Zunguz expects to dominate Africa’s micropayment sector. Africa has an estimated 38 million people who use Facebook, according to Internet World Stats.

On security, Sussman confirmed to HumanIPO that ZunguZ social micro payment platform does not transfer or deal with the funds as it “simply connects people” on social networks to their banks.

“We simply facilitate the payments,” he said.

Sussman says that people are looking for convenience and the social payment platform would do just that; it would enable money transfer and online shopping and even make it possible for charity organisations to transfer funds.

Posted in: Uncategorized

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