
Google to host Google I/O Extended 2012

Google’s biggest developer event of the year will take place on June 27 to 29 in San Francisco, California. Developers from across the globe are invited to join the event.

Uganda has already registered two places where interested developers can gather and watch the event through live streaming.

“First, for Google I/O Extended we’ve partnered with various technology hubs, Google Tech User Groups, university partners, Student Ambassadors, and others to bring you a network of events,” Anna Bishop, Developer Marketing, Sub-Saharan Africa said.

Other countries in Africa that will be streaming the event are South Africa, Ghana, Egypt and Senegal.

Registration to these events is happening online. The event helps other “googlers” around the world to still meet developers near them.

The Google I/O event is a developer meet up that brings global developers to showcase their new inventions using Google tools.

“Part viewing party and part community building, Google I/O Extended are free events focused on live streaming parts of Google I/O. Depending on location, the event could also include local developer demos and other speaker sessions,” Google said.

For those who still can’t make it to any technology hub around them, they can still stream the event from I/O Live to their phones, iPad or computer.

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