
Apple iWatch trademark causes a stir

Apple iWatch trademark causes a stir

Apple has applied for ownership of the iWatch trademark in Japan and Russia, increasing speculation they will release a wrist-based technology device.

It did not however register the name in Europe, because there is an Italian company that already owns the trademark, reported the Wall Street Journal.

It is essential for trademarks to be registered ahead of a product’s launch so as to avoid rivals registering with the same name, preventing future legal rows.

The idea of the iWatch is enable it to connect to a smartphone device.

HumanIPO reported in February Apple had filed an iWatch patent.

It has also been reported that the play on the word ‘watch’ could refer to a possible TV-product.

So far, Apple has yet to comment on the speculation concerning the potential iWatch.

Rivals Google have already developed their Glass technology, with pilot devices already in circulation and a full commercial launch expected by the end of the year.

Posted in: Gadgets

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