
New Airtel Uganda board chairman appointed

New Airtel Uganda board chairman appointed

Christopher Kassami is the new Airtel Uganda board chairman, adding another feather to the cap of a man who has worked as an economist and permanent secretary in various ministries.

Speaking at Kassami’s appointment, Airtel Africa chief human resources officer David Ssegawa said: “I am delighted with Mr. Kassami’s appointment. Mr. Kassami has worked in the Ugandan public service for the past 41 years and has an exceptional track record of accomplishments.

“I am confident that with his vast experience, he will guide our organization in the right direction.”

Jayant Kholsa, chief executive officer (CEO) of the Airtel Africa Anglophone Region, said: “Airtel is committed to Uganda and is here for the long term. I firmly believe in the continued growth of our Uganda operations and am confident that the team, under Mr. Kassami’s strategic guidance, will continue to deliver innovative and best-in-class mobile services to our customers.”

According to Chimpreports Kassami started his career as an economist, rising through the ranks before being appointed the chief government planning economist and head of the Macro-Planning Department in 1988.

He was appointed permanent secretary in 1991, a position he held for 20 years until his recent retirement.

Posted in: Telecoms

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