Stakeholders in Africa’s ICT sector will congregate in Casablanca, Morocco, from September 3 to 5, to address key challenges in interconnection, peering and traffic exchange.
The three day African Peering and Interconnection Forum (AfPIF) forum will also have a one day training event to provide participants with the various tools and techniques available to grow peering and transit businesses.
Among the topics that have been lined up for discussion include debate on whether policy has been the missing link to interconnection in the continent, while the roles of the private and public sectors will be addressed in a panel discussion bringing together regulators and private sector players.
Delegates will on the last day also focus on regional strategies for developing an interconnection infrastructure with discussions expected to zero in on the establishment of national and regional IXPs.
Among the key speakers expected at the forum is Internet Society regional bureau director for Africa, Dawit Bekele.
The organisers said: “AfPIF aims to foster national and cross-border interconnection opportunities by providing a forum where key players from infrastructure and service providers, IXPs, regulators and policy makers can engage in a relaxed but business like environment, sharing their experiences and learning from experts in the field.”
Africa’s internet numbers registry AFRINIC is the main sponsor for the event, while other speakers include dot Africa, Google, Internet Solutions and SEACOM.