
Amnesty International promotes youth understanding of poverty and human rights

Amnesty International has launched a new platform giving African youths and other users the opportunity to understand the nexus between poverty and human rights with RespectMyRights.org

RespectMyRights.org offers its users some educational information on human rights violations especially those that affect people living in poverty, such as people facing forced evictions from their homes and communities.

Young users can also get involved in Amnesty International’s worldwide campaigns, in addition to sharing their perspectives and propose actions in the site’s Scrapbook section.

According of Amnesty International Italy’s Alberto Emiletti, the project is quite innovative and allows young users to deepen their knowledge about human rights.

“This project is innovative because the website is simultaneously a tool that allows young people to deepen their knowledge of human rights – and understand their importance in everyone’s life – and invites them to take action,” he said.

RespectMyRights.org is pioneered by Amnesty International sections in Slovenia and Poland.

Emiletti also described the potential ability of the site to show the connection joining poverty and violation of human rights.

“Through this platform, young people can develop a good understanding of how human rights violations deepen poverty. They will be able to understand that these are global issues that can affect the reality they live in,” Emiletti said.

The site is currently available in English, French, Spanish, Polish, Italian and Slovenian, while work is in progress on its Arabic version.

“The best thing about respectmyrights.org is the opportunity it gives for young people to start a conversation, with Amnesty International and each other, about human rights – wherever they are in the world,” said Sarah Pyke, Communications Coordinator of Amnesty International’s Demand Dignity campaign.

Posted in: Internet

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