The Foundation for Internet Development (FID) is calling for five volunteers to join its board for further promotion of its entrepreneur development mandate to a more enhanced level.
The FID was incentivised by the ZA Central Registry (ZACR), International Service Providers Association (ISPA), Wireless Access Providers Association (WAPA) and Internet Society of South Africa (ISOC-ZA) with the goal of contributing meaningfully to enterprise development through a separate platform with adequate capacity.
Octavia Kumalo, managing director of FID, explains the foundation responds to the big demand for uniting the ICT industry’s efforts for resource and skills development in correlation with Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE).
“It is this desire for good formal governance structure that has precipitated our call for non-executive directors who can add this value to our organisation,” Kumalo said.
Passion for favourable regulation in the development of local internet, ICT and enterprise are thus key requirements for non-executive board members to be considered.
The FID believes South Africa’s ICT sector boasts with some of the best intellectual talent in the country, but also needs additional assistance with the development as required for transformation.
“The FID fills that void and with the input of five new board members, we’ll be able to achieve so much more for internet and ICT development,” Kumalo said.
Since its origin in 2011, the FID has established itself as of equal value with its associated organisations by conducting an entrepreneurship training program with Pendula ICT, as well as being involved with Liquid Telecom, BitCo and CoZA Cares Foundation among other projects.
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