
FolUp health communication app now in South Africa

FolUp, a mobile and web-based communication application connecting patients with physicians, has been made available in South Africa.

Physicians and patients are able to communicate more effectively regarding treatments through the platform, which allows physicians to keep tabs on the symptoms of their patients and change course should they prove to be ineffective.

“Clinicians’ time to allocate to patients is often limited which can leave patients feeling isolated,” said Simon Spurr, director and co-founder of FolUp South Africa.

“Through improved patient monitoring and doctor feedback, this platform provides an overview of the entire health patient experience and has the ability to increase patients’ control over their diseases, levels of emotional well-being and accelerate patient healing.”

The platform serves physicians by allowing them to access relevant patient information and supplies trends and insight through diaries, games, blogs and quality of life entries from patients.

The platform, which was launched in the country on Tuesday, January 29, allows patients to connect with other medical apps, peripheral devices and self help tools within the mobile health market.

“Patient feedback is extremely valuable and technology is the best medium to assist doctors in gathering this information to gain deeper insight and improve symptom monitoring, diagnosis, treatment and overall patient care,” said Spurr.

He added: “With more than 20 million South Africans living with a chronic disease, which account for 70 percent of all deaths, this technology has the potential to fundamentally alter the economics of patient care.”

For more information on the medical based application or to register as a patient or physician, click here.

Posted in: Internet

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