In reaction to the increasing incidents of certificate forgery, the Computer Professionals Registration Council of Nigeria (CPN) has concluded plans for the design of a new certificate for the council.
The new CPN certificate will include several unique unscripted security features. Amoo Taofeek Akanni, the council’s Head of Communication and Brand Management, said the new certificate forms part of their commitment to eradicate of fraud in the profession.
“The availability of inexpensive scanning and printing technology has contributed to an increasing incidence of identity fraud worldwide,” Akanni said.
“Thus, the recognition and reliance placed on the CPN certificates by government at various levels as well as members of the profession and the rising profile of the Council in the country has made it mandatory for the Council to re-strategise and ensure that certificates issued to members of the profession are secure and tamper-proof.”
On the security features, he said the council will be incorporating the latest modern technology.
“A number of security features will be incorporated into the design of the new and enhanced membership certificate to ensure its authenticity as well as the integrity of the Council. The new certificates will contain modern security features like Micro text, Hologram, CBS1 watermark paper and a complicated background design,” he said.