Japanese Bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox has updated its website, allowing users to verify the balances of their accounts and wallets.
HumanIPO reported earlier this year Mt. Gox had ceased services, shutting down its website after rumours of the exchange being hacked resulting in the theft of Bitcoins.
The company then filed for bankruptcy in Japan, while United States (US) Manhattan attorney Preet Bharara sent subpoenas to the Bitcoin exchange to gauge how it dealt with cyberattacks.
Last week, the company’s United States (US) assets were seized following a court order by Chicago Judge Gary Feinerman.
In an unexpected move, Mt. Gox is now allowing users to log onto its website. However, balances can only be viewed and not withdrawn.
“This balance confirmation service is provided on this site only for the convenience of all users,” the company said on its website.
“Please be aware that confirming the balance on this site does not constitute a filing of rehabilitation claims under the civil rehabilitation procedure and note that the balance amounts shown on this site should also not be considered an acknowledgment by MtGox Co., Ltd. of the amount of any rehabilitation claims of users.”
In January, the company was hit by a series of denial of service (DoS) attacks forcing it to temporarily suspend operations.
In the following weeks the price of the crytocurrency dropped drastically on Mt. Gox, trading at US$144 on February 21, 2014 while remaining relatively steady at US$581 on rival exchange Bitstamp.
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