CC image courtesy of Patrick H~ on Flickr
A team of 16 IBM experts today presented its recommendations to Kenyan institutions on a range of critical projects in support of the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals and Kenya’s own long-term development agenda, Vision 2030.
IBM’s business and technology experts from seven countries spent four weeks in Nairobi, Kenya working with NGOs and government agencies on frameworks to improve health services, enhance vocational training for youth, improve inter-ministerial performance and drive opportunities for international trade. They explained the latest, most effective methodologies for achieving those goals including automation of data, online portals for donor tracking, social media strategies and latest best practices in marketing and project management.
One of the IBM team of experts partnered with GlaxoSmithkilne PULSE to provide Amref Health Africa with support around strengthening aspects of the Clinical and Diagnostics Programme. The Programme focuses on improving the capacity of health systems to deliver quality health services through strengthening facility-based services, especially in remote and underserved areas of Africa. Other organisations that benefited from IBM’s pro-bono support included the Kenya National Chamber of Commerce (KNCCI), Information Communication Technology Authority (ICTA), and SOS Technical Training Institute (SOSTTI).
The pro-bono consulting work is part of IBM’s Corporate Service Corps (CSC) programme – a global pro-bono initiative through which IBM deploys teams of its most talented people on projects aimed at driving social and economic development. Africa has become a strong focus for IBM’s CSC programme as it expands its operations across the continent
“We had IBM experts work with our team to improve our data capture, analysis and department processes. The team was able to propose solutions within one month with support from a GlaxoSmithKline volunteer who was already on the ground,” said Dr. Jane Carter, the Director for Clinical and Diagnostics Programme, Amref Health Africa. “We are now reviewing how we can best take the ideas forward although it is already clear that the work on Key Performance Indicators will bring a good focus for the team.”
IBM presented its recommendations and findings to Information Communication Technology Authority and Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNNCI) and SOS Technical Training Institute (SOSTTI) as well.