
Twitter celebrates 7th birthday

Twitter today celebrated its seventh birthday by releasing a video tribute to the “breathtaking velocity” with which the website has grown.

The microblogging site thanked its 200 million active users for their innovative and ongoing use of the website, with users creating in excess of 400 million Tweets per day, which the company says has transformed Twitter – or Twttr as it was originally called – into a “global town square”.

“As we’ve grown, Twitter has become a true global town square — a public place to hear the latest news, exchange ideas and connect with people all in real time. This is where you come to connect with the world at large. Get on your soapbox to critique elected officials, or go sotto voce to the neighbor next to you. And as in other gathering places, commerce happens too (and jokes and art-making and debating, and — you get the idea),” the company said.

March 21 is celebrated as Twitter’s birthday because it is the date when @jack – Twitter creator Jack Dorsey – posted the first ever Tweet in 2006.

just setting up my twttr

— Jack Dorsey (@jack) March 21, 2006

The Twitter video released today commemorates some of the milestone Twitter moments to date, with the company dedicating the video and Twitter’s success to tweeters across the world.

“Here’s to your creativity, curiosity and experimentation on our platform. And again, thank you for making Twitter everything it is today.”

Posted in: Social Media

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