
Ericsson continues support for modern ICT schools in Ghana

Ericsson has reiterated its ambition to connect schools and communities in rural parts of Ghana to the internet in a bid to empower people to fund new ways of governing, doing business and innovating.

Andreas Karlsson, head of supply in Sub-Saharan Africa and country manager of Ericsson AB, was speaking in Accra when he said the impact of broadband could be powerful by helping to create jobs.

The Ghana News Agency reported Karlsson as saying: “Ericsson uses innovation to empower people, business and society and thus envisage a networked society that is sustainable and where everything that can benefit from connection will have one.”

The company’s ambition is driven by their corporate social responsibility (CSR) and Karlsson said there could be a change in education if schools were connected to the internet with laptops, PCs and mobile phones.

As part of Ericsson’s CSR, they are committed to supporting the Accra Metropolitan Assembly in building 50 new modern schools in the Greater Accra Region.

The initiative will make the new institutions fully ICT enabled.

Posted in: Internet

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