
LG Electronics to open a technical training college in Ethiopia

The Ethiopian government has announced LG Electronics will set up a technical training college in the country, giving a young workforce a chance to learn the trade.

LG’s Ethiopia office head and director of corporate social responsibility for the Middle East and Africa, Yong Geun Choi, said the college would have an initial cost of US$1 million and offer courses in information technology, electronics, television and mobile phone maintenance.

The mobile phone maintenance course offered will however be specific to LG products. The rest of the course will maintain a general scope.

The company has already applied to be given 3,000 square metres of land in the Industrial Zone in Akaki’s Kaliti District where the college will be built.

In the first year of the two-year training course, the college will accept 75 students into the three departments available.

Samsung also has plans to launch an assembly plant in the country. The plant will handle assemblies of laptops and printers.

Posted in: Mobile

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