
Rwandan student builds smartphone app for Afropolitans

Sangwa Rwabuhihi has become the first Rwandan student to build a stylist mobile application after gaining experience working on application and touch screen user interfaces.

Sangwa built StyleGuide Afropolitan, released yesterday (Sunday), which serves as a guide to “Afropolitans” for tablet and smartphone users.

Afropolitan combines the words African and cosmopolitan to describe a contemporary generation of Africans.

“Africans are proud of their roots, and their lifestyle is a combination of influences”, he said in an interview with The New Times.

Rwabuhihi said StyleGuide Afropolitan is an app that comes at the dawn of an incredible African renaissance, a time where the very definition of the word “lifestyle” is being redefined.

The application works to answer what events are happening locally, what places are worth being discovered and fashion advice and codes.

Rwabuhihi added: “Keep in mind that a mobile app does not offer you as much information as a website, but it is very much practical since it makes you access quick, updated and reliable information you can go through in less than five minutes.

“If you do have a tablet, I would say it is the best way to start your day, with a glass of fresh juice.”

Sangwa works with Mercedes-Benz in IT process modeling in Stuttgart, while completing his masters’ course in software engineering.

Posted in: Mobile

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