
Fibre, not mobile, the capacity solution for Zimbabwe – Behr

Fibre is the only way to improve Zimbabwe’s internet capacity, according to David Behr, executive director of Liquid Telecom, as wireless access fills a gap, but is not suitable for main internet connections.

Speaking at the Broadband Forum, in Harare, this morning, Behr explained his view that fibre is the only way to connect Zimbabwe, as both copper and wireless internet solutions pose too many problems to present viable wide-spread internet capacity.

According to Behr, there is “only one access technology that can deliver the capacity needed: Fibre Fibre Fibre!”

Considering the opportunities provided by wireless connectivity, Behr noted: “Wireless is great for mobility, great when you’re out of the office or home.”

“Wireless is needed for when you’re on the move, it fills a gap,” he added.

However, wireless or mobile technologies are not viable as a main internet solution, says Behr, especially given that more than 80 per cent of data is consumed at home or at work.

Furthermore, wireless is restricted in its potential due to the need for physical base stations.

“The only way to get high capacity on wireless is to put up a lot of base stations,” Behr said, noting the cost and time impact of rolling out such infrastructure.

Turning to the potential of a copper network for main internet provision, Behr noted the problems posed by copper theft and the need to maintain and upgrade a physical network which ages quickly.

While Zimbabwe has a good network at the moment, says Behr, the potential problems are too great to provide a long-term capacity solution.

Posted in: Internet

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