
FilmAid festival set for August in Kenya

The seventh edition of the FilmAid film festivals, bringing together filmmakers from around the world telling refugee stories, will be held on August 29-31 in Kenya.

The festival is being organised under the theme “The right to tell our stories” and has already called for entries, with a deadline to submit any film suiting the criteria set for June 2.

The event is sponsored by the US Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration and Amnesty international through its initiative ‘Movies that Matter’and will be held in Nairobi as well as the Kakuma and Daadab refugee camps.

“The films should focus on issues about refugees and displacement or be films that have been made by refugees or those that have been displaced from their homes. The Festival is strongly keen to promote innovativeness and diverse perspectives,” reads a statement from the organisers’ blog.

The film must have been produced later than August 2012 and previously submitted films will not be eligible.

A few months ago the organisation celebrated the launch of Daadab Stories, a documentary collecting together various forms of art including video, poetry, music, community journalism and personal blogs from Daadab, the world’s biggest refugee camp.

Posted in: Broadcasting

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