
Senegal hosts world’s first TabletCafé

Google Africa has launched the world’s first TabletCafé in Dakar, Senegal, to promote internet access in a more affordable, interactive way.

Located in the Medina neighbourhood, the Equinox cybercafé replaced its computers with tablets without raising the cost of internet accessibility, which stands at XOF300 (US$0.60) per hour.

The switch has the benefit of lower operating costs in electricity usage, of which the savings will be reinvested in faster connectivity.

Users are offered to use the tablets at their own comfort in a booth for video calling, or on a dock with a wireless keyboard.

Tablets are equipped with popular, pre-loaded apps, while users can also download desired apps.

After each session, staff members carry out a factory reset to ensure private settings are stored before the client leaves.

Alex Grouet, business development manager at Francophone Africa and Yomi Oyesiku, program manager at Emerging Markets Access, wrote on the Google Africa blog: “We look forward to finding out as the project unfolds, and hope that people living in Dakar will stop by to try out something new.”

Posted in: Gadgets

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